Bitter Gourd Stir fry is one of our favourites. The bitter gourds I have used to prepare this dish are that of the smaller variety and not the long ones. Comparatively, I have found that the smaller ones are less bitter. Bitter gourd stir fry is one of the sides that my grampa prepares for every No Moon day. It requires very few ingredients to make this dish and is absolutely tasty.
- 250 grams Bitter Gourd
- 1 cup Shallots, chopped
- 1/2 cup Coconut, grated
- 1/2 tsp Turmeric powder
- 1 tsp Red Chilli powder
- 1/2 tsp Mustard seeds
- 1/2 tsp Urad dal
- 4-6 tbsp Oil
- 1/2 tsp Salt
- 2 sprigs Curry leaves
Wash and drain the bitter gourds. Remove the top and bottom and slice them thin. Heat oil in a pan or skillet over a medium flame and add the mustard seeds. Once it sputters add Urad dal.

After it browns add in the shallots. It will turn translucent in a few minutes.

Next, add the bitter gourd. Stir them through the shallots and let the oil coat them well.

It takes some time to cook the bitter gourd. Stir them in between so they are cooked evenly. Reduce the flame to low and then add salt, turmeric and chilli powder.

Stir so that the spices coat well over the bitter gourd. Lastly, add the coconut and give it a quick stir. Switch off the flame.

Serve hot with rice and dal/sambhar or just curd rice.