Siru Kizhangu/Chinese Potato stir fry is a simple yet delicious dish. It has a nice earthy flavour to it. The aroma that raises while cooking it reminds me of the first rain. Sure, it is one hard root vegetable to clean. But, it is worth the effort.
- 250 grams Siru Kizhangu/Chinese Potato
- 3-4 tbsp oil
- 2 tsp Chilli powder
- 1/4 tsp turmeric powder
- 2 sprigs Curry leaves
- Salt
How to clean Siru Kizhangu/Chinese Potato:
Chinese potatoes/Siru kizhangu are irregular in shape and is covered in sand which makes it hard to clean. Cleaning them takes most of the time. One way to clean them is as follows.

Take the Chinese potatoes/Siru kizhangu in a cloth bag or a towel. Make it to a bundle and beat them up gently on your kitchen slab or floor. The skin will start to shred. Discard the shreds, bundle and beat again. Repeat the process till most of the skin is gone.

Scrape off the remaining skin with a knife. Transfer it to a vessel and rinse it with water.

Cut them in to small pieces and keep them immersed in water till you finish. Clean the chopped Chinese potatoes in water a few more times for any left over skin and sand.

Heat oil in a pan and add the mustard seeds.

After it crackles, add urad dal. Once it starts to brown add the curry leaves and reduce the flame to low.

Add the chopped Chinese potatoes and stir well so the oil coats them. Stir slowly for a few minutes.

Cover the pan with a lid and cook for 10-15 minutes stirring in-between occasionally so that it doesn’t stick to the pan.The Chinese potatoes will turn soft. Now add salt, turmeric powder and chilli powder. Mix them all together.

Cook till the potatoes start to turn brown. Make sure not to burn them.

Hot and delicious Chinese potato stir fry is ready.